Deleting messages, Picking up a call from the answer machine – Siemens SL370 User Manual

Page 39

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Answer machine operation (Gigaset SL375 only)

Gigaset SL375 / AUS / A31008-M1903-C401-1-7619 / / 14.8.07



ion 4,




Playing back new messages

New messages that have not yet been

heard are indicated by the

à icon in the

display and by the

f key flashing on

the handset.

Press the message key.

Ans M.:

Select and press



An announcement informs you if there are

new or old messages.
If there are new messages, playback then

begins with the first new message. After

the last new message you will hear the

end tone and an announcement about

how much recording time remains.
If the message has been saved with the

date and time you will hear an appropriate

announcement before playback begins.

Playing back old messages

You can listen to old messages if there are

no more new messages. Begin playback as

described under "Listening to new mes-

After the entry time and date have been

played back (after approx. 3 seconds) a

new message assumes the status "old".

Stopping and controlling playback

During message playback:

Pause playback. Press


again to resume.

t or

Skip to the start of the current


Press twice: skip back to the

previous message.

s or 3

Go to the next message.

Press twice: skip to the next

but one message.

If playback is interrupted for over a

minute, the answer machine returns to

idle status.

Reading CNIP information of a message


Please read page 25.

Marking a message as "new"

A previously played back "old" message is

displayed as a "new" message again.
During message playback:

Press the star key.

An announcement informs you of the

message's new status.




Mark as New

Select and press



Playback of the current message is can-

celled. Playback of next message starts, if


f key on the handset flashes.

Adding the telephone number of a

message to the directory

See "Copying a displayed number to the

directory", page 22.

Deleting messages

You can delete old messages either all

together or individually.

Deleting all old messages

During playback or pause:


Press the display key.

Del All Old Msgs

Select and press




Press the display key to con-

firm the prompt.

Deleting individual old messages

During playback or pause:


Press the display key.

Picking up a call from the answer


You can pick up a call while the answer

machine is recording it or is being oper-

ated via remote operation:
c /


Press the talk or display key.

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