0 operation, 2 listen mic compressor – Solid State Logic 82S6XL090A User Manual

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Installation and Operation

4.0 Operation

The XLogic E Signature Channel unit is a 1U rack mounting unit containing a complete set of signal processing
based upon the SL 4000 E Series channel strip – Input, Compressor/Limiter, Expander/Gate, Hi and Lo pass
Filters and Equaliser.

The signal processing order can be changed and the EQ and Filter sections used in the Dynamics side chain.
providing a wide range of signal processing options.

Obviously there are many different permutations of signal routing, allowing an enormous number of creative
possibilities. This section looks at each control on the XLogic E Signature Channel individually, working from left
to right, with a brief summary of the routing possibilities. See Section 5 for more on routing.

4.1 Input


The Input section contains two completely independent Mic amps
together with an electronically balanced Line input with its own
gain control. The primary Mic amp is a classic transformer
coupled design using the same Jensen component as the original
E Series channel strips. The second option is engaged via the ON
switch. This replaces the original preamp with a new electronically
balanced design with SSL's unique variable harmonic drive
circuitry. This unique preamp emulates the overload
characteristics of a traditional valve/tube design but with the
ability to tailor the warmth or musicality via the DRIVE control.
This shapes the overload curve to provide a user controlled blend
of 2nd or 3rd harmonic distortion.

Both of these preamps use the same gain control providing +20dB to +70dB gain and share a passive front
end with a switchable 22dB Input Pad and +48V phantom powering.

Please note that connecting a microphone to the XLogic E Signature Channel unit with phantom power switched on
is not advised as it may cause damage to either the microphone or the input stage of the XLogic unit. Take care not
to connect line level sources (keyboards etc.) to the microphone input with phantom power switched on as this may
damage the output stage of the connected unit.

A Ø (Phase) switch is provide to reverse the phase of the selected channel input.


Listen Mic Compressor

The SSL ‘Listen Mic’ Compressor was, throughout the 1980’s, the secret weapon in

many producers sonic arsenal of recording techniques. Originally designed to prevent
overloading the return feed from a studio communications mic, its fixed attack and
release curves were eminently suitable for use on ambient drums mics. The console
surgery required to gain access to the compressed output was performed on many
early E Series consoles before it became a standard modification on latter production
systems. The original circuit has been added into the XLogic E Signature Channel unit,
enhanced with the addition of a front panel threshold adjustment and a simple traffic
light indication of gain reduction. Due to the vagaries of the original design, the range
of the threshold control is indicated as either LESS or MORE! The gain reduction
indication takes the form of a bi-colour LED located under the IN switch; it will glow
green to show that it is in-circuit and then progressively redder as more compression

is applied. The circuit follows directly after the input stage allowing either microphone or line level signals
to benefit from the sonic possibilities provided by this compressor.



















