Sony PCV-L620 User Manual

Page 23

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Using the Programmable Power Keys (PPK)


To use the AutoAlert E-mail Notification System


Press the P5 button on the keyboard, or double-click the PPK Setup

on the taskbar. The PPK Setup screen appears.


Click the Registration tab.


Click the Preset Script button. The Preset Script Assignment screen


Under “What do you want to do?” select “Get Message” and choose
Outlook 98 Mail Downloading from the drop-down list box. Then,
click Next.


The Information LED screen appears. Select “Turn on the Information
LED when new e-mail message has arrived,” then select “MAPI,”
and then click Next.


The Enter Application Name screen appears. Enter an application
name and description of your choice. For example, you might type
“MyE-mail” as the application name and “Download e-mail” as the
description. Then, click Finish.


Now you can use either a PPK button or the timer to download your
e-mail. Follow the instructions under “Changing the Functions of the
Programmable Power Keys” on page 16
or “Using the Internal
Timer” on page 17. When you
come to the Assign Function screen,
select your newly named application from the Registered Files list.

This only works if you are using Microsoft Outlook 98 or Outlook Express as your default
e-mail software. If you have chosen Netscape Communicator 4.5 instead, you can select
“Turn on the Information LED when process is finished successfully.” This causes the
Information LED to light when PPK Setup has launched your e-mail software and
checked for mail, rather than after it actually downloads your e-mail.

To turn off the Information LED, click the PPK icon in the Windows


task tray.

Some e-mail applications are programmed to ask for a password before downloading
mail. If your e-mail software has this feature, PPK may not be able to download your
mail successfully. You can solve this problem by setting your e-mail software to
remember your password rather than prompting you for it.