SEAL AQUA AS-1600 User Manual

Page 18

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Section 3. Troubleshooting


The following table lists problems that may occur when using the AS1600 Liquid Laminator.
Recommended corrective actions are provided for all commonly encountered problems.

Problem / Symptom


Corrective Action

Very thin coating

Sealant is diluted with water

Remove old coating and refill
with new

Heavy coating

Weight of coating in application
area causes material to sag and
not get wiped off properly

Increase break tension on the
Transition and Tension Idlers

Dirty Draw Down Bar

Clean the Draw Down Bar

Overly thinned coating can dry
quickly and streak

Remove old coating and refill
with new

Streaked finish

Contaminated coating can
clump up and streak

Remove old coating and refill
with new

Media has been overheated

Cool down heaters or speed up

Unwind to take-up alignment is

Realign the media

Media wrinkles

Insufficient back-tension

Increase brake tension on
Transition and Tension Idlers

Telescoping media

Roll-feed to take-up alignment is

Realign the media

Coated Media is wet coming
out of the dryer panel

Insufficient drying

Reduce web speed

Increase the heat panel

Media surface is contaminated

Ensure media is free form

Sealant is contaminated

Remove old coating and refill
with new

Non-wets (areas where the
sealant has not adhered to the
film or paper)

Media or inks and sealant are

Use a compatible media

Media is too hot and is
beginning to melt

Cool down the heaters and/or
speed up the drive

Distortions in media

Media is hot and back tension is
too high

Decrease back tension

Cracking effect in the coating

With thick coatings a high heat
setting can cause evaporation to
occur too rapidly causing this

Lower heat controller
setting to 600



Surface impressions occur at
the take-up roll

Insufficient drying

Check web temperature
with IR gun

Reduce web speed

Increase heater panel

Sealant in tank develops a
skin over its surface

Sealant has been left without
agitation for too long and has
begun to dry out

Pull skin off the top of the
sealant and add a small amount
of water (1 cup) and mix into
sealant thoroughly.