Operation atomic clock operation – Sangean RCR-2 User Manual
Page 9
Notes on safety
Only operate this appliance with a power supply of 110-120 Volt/
50-60 Hz . If you intend not using the appliance for a longer period of
time ( eg. Holidays), pull the plug out of the mains socket to ensure a
complete separation from the power supply.
Protect the appliance from heat and moisture.
Do not open the appliance and if it should require servicing, please
refer to a licensed electrical workshop.
Atomic clock operation
The Sangean RCR 2 consists of a crystal controlled clock movement
which includes a very special AM radio receiver that is tuned to
receive the 60kHz WWVB time signal broadcast from the U.S.
Government’s Atomic Clock in Boulder, Colorado. The signal is an
AM radio signal and as such is susceptible to weather conditions,
electrical interferences, solar conditions and the position of the
clock’s antenna all of which effects the receiver’s reception. As a
general rule, best reception is at night and just before or after sunrise
or sunset. Although the clock can work in most locations the number
of times that it adjusts itself to the U.S. Atomic Clock’s time signal
may depend on its location. Under certain weather conditions or in
areas of poor reception it may take 48 hours or more to receive a
signal for the correct time. In some cases it may be necessary to
seek another location in order to receive a useable time signal.