Silex technology SX-550 User Manual

Sx-550, Embedded intelligent oem networking module, 11a/b/g wireless and ethernet lan adapter

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The Most Powerful and Secure Way to Implement Wireless Capabilities

The advantages of wireless networking are obvious. But as an OEM
device manufacturer, how can you easily and securely implement
wireless capabilities in your devices?

The solution is the Silex SX-550 Module, the first embedded networking
solution that supports all of the major wireless networking standards --
802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g -- as well as 100Base-T and 10Base-T
wired Ethernet. The SX-550 provides the most extensive network
security capabilities in the industry, so it can be used in virtually any
application or environment that requires wireless communications.

The SX-550 increases your bottom line by reducing your time to
market, making your products more competitive, and lessening the
need for in-house wireless expertise. It enables you to easily add wired
or wireless network connectivity to your devices with such features as:

An available developer's kit provides the required hardware, software
tools and documentation for OEM customers to easily integrate the
SX-550 module in their equipment. The developer's kit includes
value-added programmable features, such as APIs for custom SNMP
and Email notification on the network. For example, you can use the
available GPIOs to eliminate the need for an additional processor and
therefore to reduce cost.

Highly Secure

Easy to Manage

The SX-550 is easy to configure and offers several options for
management. In addition to a built-in web browser interface, silex
provides ExtendView, a Windows utility for bulk configuration and
management. A console accessible via TELNET or the UART is
available for more sophisticated diagnostics and configuration. The

SX-550 is also compatible with the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) for compatibility with most popular network
management systems. In adddition, the SX-550 can be managed by
the attached device using AT commands and console commands
sent via the serial port. The SX-550 firmware is stored in flash
memory for easy updating in the field.

802.11a/b/g Wireless and Ethernet LAN Adapter


Embedded Wireless and Wired Networking for OEM devices

Ethernet and wireless versions. The SX-550 is available in models with
wired Ethernet only, or with both Ethernet and 802.11a/b/g wireless
capabilities. The two models are program compatible, so you do not
need to develop separate software in order to support both.

8 general purpose input/output (GPIO) signals. The GPIOs can be
used for custom applications like driving LEDs and sensing switches, or
for modem signals in conjunction with the serial ports.

Serial port emulation software. The SX-550 includes software that
emulates a standard Windows


COM port (for example, COM3). This

allows you to use your existing Windows-based applications without any

Ethernet bridge mode. The SX-550 can be configured as a transparent
bridge between Ethernet and 802.11a/b/g. This allows an Ethernet-
enabled device to communicate wirelessly with no modifications required

your existing software.

Power management. The SX-550 consumes very little power during
inactive periods, making it ideal for battery powered applications.

Antenna diversity. The SX-550 has two U.FL antenna connectors for
improved quality of transmission and reception.

Easy to use. The SX-550 features a compact form factor with
through-holes for flexible mounting options. A 40-pin connector
header for the serial and GPIO signals simplifies the hardware
interface to your device.

Embedded Intelligent OEM Networking Module


Security is critical for enterprise and medical networks. In fact,
some network managers will not allow devices on their networks
that are not compatible with their security standards. Consequently,
the SX-550 is designed to work with all the major security standards.
It supports 802.1x Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) with
TLS, TTLS, LEAP, FAST, and PEAP to provide the most robust
network authentication. For wireless security, the SX-550 works
with the latest Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) Enterprise and
Personal (PSK) security, as well as WPA and WEP. The SX-550
also includes other enterprise-level security features such as access
control lists, protocol and application enable/disable, read and write
configuration passwords, and SNMP community name configuration.

High speed serial port plus dedicated console. The SX-550 serial port
runs at speeds up to 921.6Kbps with full modem control. The SX-550
also includes a second serial port for use as a dedicated console.