Sprint Nextel 800W User Manual
Battery saving, Tips and tricks

Battery saving
Tips and Tricks
** Free within first 90 days after purchase. Offer subject to change
without notice.
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Exit NaviGatioN aNd GPS aPPlicatioNS:
After using the Sprint Navigation application, press
Menu and select Exit so your smart device
doesn’t continue to access location data in the
background and use power.
Other GPS applications such as Google Maps,
Search for Windows Mobile,
and Google Maps may
cause power drain even when you are not using the
GPS services. Press and hold button to bring up
task Manager and end these applications. Highlight
each application and select End task.
Power Settings
dEcrEaSE ScrEEN briGhtNESS: Press option
and press brightness. Press left < to decrease the
brightness, and press .
SEt thE backliGht to turN off SooNEr:
The display backlight turns off automatically after one
minute of inactivity, but you can set it to turn off after
30 seconds. Press Start and select Settings.
Select the System tab, and then select backlight.
On the battery Power tab, select a shut-off interval
from the list.
* Within wireless coverage area only. Email, messaging, and GPS
require data services at additional cost. GPS not available in all areas
at all times. Wi-Fi within range of Wi-Fi hotspot using 802.11b/g
wireless connection. Some Wi-Fi hotspots require fee for usage.