SWR Sound 2004 User Manual

Page 5

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The Aural Enhancer was developed to bring out the fundamental low notes of the bass, reduce certain frequencies that can
"mask" fundamentals and enhance the high-end transients. The effect becomes more pronounced as the control is turned up. The
result is a more transparent sound. Listening to a passive bass with the control set all the way down, and then turning it all the way
up, can be likened to listening to the bass suddenly become "active".

The Workingman's Tone Control section is a four-band set of level controls centered around the frequencies 80 Hz (Bass), 800 Hz
(Mid Range), 2KHz (Treble) and 5KHz (Transparency). Each control can cut or boost its band a maximum of 15dB. Each control has
a flat (center click) position that defeats its function. In this position, the tone controls are inactive.

For each tone control, rotating the knob counter-clockwise from the center "click" position will reduce or cut its designated fre-
quency. Rotating the knob clockwise will boost its designated band or frequency.

The Effects Blend control mixes the signal coming from your instrument with the sound coming from your effect. With the Blend
control fully counter-clockwise, no signal from your effect will be heard. As you turn this control clockwise, more of the effect can
be heard in the overall sound. When the Blend control is fully clockwise, no dry or unaffected signal is heard other than the output
of your effect device.

This type of control and patching arrangement is very effective in reducing noise caused by effects devices and in maintaining a
more natural sound. If your effects device has a similar control, we suggest leaving it set to its maximum effect/minimum dry sig-
nal position and using the Effects Blend control for this function. Please read the "Effects Loop" section for more information.

Pulling out the Effects Blend knob until a click is heard deactivates the Internal limiter circuit. Pushing the control back in, activates
the circuit.

The Master Volume adjusts the signal level going to the power amplifier. It DOES NOT control the output of the effects send jack or
Balanced Direct Record XLR output. It DOES affect the output at the "Speakers" jacks and headphones jack. Losses caused by
effects units can be recovered by increasing the Master Volume.

This circuit is located after (post) the Master Volume and before (pre) the power amplifier. Therefore, the circuit is driven by the
Master Volume. Its threshold (starting point) is preset by the factory so that the user can get maximum overall apparent volume
without unduly overdriving the power amplifier or internal speakers. This feature may be defeated by pulling out the Blend control.
Please see the "Blend Control" section for further information.

When the threshold of the Limiter circuit is reached the green Limiter Active LED will light.