Communication information – Savin Fax Option Type 1027 User Manual

Page 67

background image

Function List



Communication Information

Feature name



Print Journal

The Journal can be manually
printed. This report shows the
results of the last 50 communi-

⇒ p.25 “Printing the Journal”

TX File Status

Part of the Journal can be
shown on the display. The re-
sults of the last 50 transmis-
sions are displayed from the
latest one.

⇒ p.27 “Checking the Trans-
mission Result (TX File Sta-

RX File Status

Part of the Journal can be shown
on the display. The results of the
last 50 receptions are displayed
from the latest one.

⇒ p.28 “Checking the Recep-
tion Result (RX File Status)”

Memory Status

The status of the memory is
shown on the display.

⇒ p.29 “Displaying the Mem-
ory Status”

Print Confidential RX File

Prints messages received in
Confidential Reception mode.

⇒ p.30 “Printing a Confiden-
tial Message”

Print Memory Lock

Prints messages received in
Memory Lock mode.

⇒ p.32 “Printing a File Re-
ceived with Memory Lock”

Print Personal Box File

Prints messages received in
Personal Box.

⇒ p.35 “Printing Personal Box

Store/Delete/Print Informa-
tion Box File

Program, Delete, or Print mes-
sages in the Information Box.

⇒ p.36 “Information Boxes” Page 199 Monday, August 20, 2001 10:52 AM