Keyboard, Using the on-screen keyboard, Entering characters – Sony 40GB Playstation 3 3-285-687-13 User Manual

Page 33: Using an external keyboard

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Using the on-screen keyboard





Entering characters

Using predictive mode, you can enter the fi rst few letters of the word,
which will bring up a list of commonly used words that start with these
letters. You can then use the directional buttons to select the word
that you want. After you have fi nished entering text, select the "Enter"
key to exit the keyboard.


• The languages you can use for text entry are the supported system

languages. You can set the system language by going to


(System Settings)

"System Language".

Example: If "System Language" is set to "Français", you can enter text in


• Emoticons can be entered only when creating a message under


Using an external keyboard

You can enter characters using a commercially available USB
keyboard or Bluetooth


-compatible keyboard. While the text entry

screen is displayed, if any key on the connected keyboard is
pressed, the text entry screen will enable you to use the keyboard.


You cannot use predictive mode when using an external keyboard.

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