ScyTek Electronics GALAXY 5100RS User Manual
Page 38
Page 34 - Galaxy 5100RS
Galaxy 5100RS - Page 34
Tach Monitor mode: monitors the vehicle’s tach wire (or a fuel injection wire) in real-time to determine
engine status and adjust starter crank time automatically.
Gas Engine. Sets the engine type for Gasoline.
Diesel Engine. Sets the engine type for Diesel and monitors the glow plug input to make sure the glow
plugs are warm before cranking the starter. If the glow plug wire is not connected, the built-in timer
waits 15 seconds before automatically cranking the starter.
22. Ignition 2 Relay Program. Selects one of three operating modes for the Ignition 2 relay output:
Ignition 2, Accessory 2, or Starter 2.
23. Horn Output. When set for Horn Output the horn wire will pulse when the alarm is triggered. When
Ignition 3 Output is selected, the output will activate during remote start to trigger a relay for Ignition 3.
24. Turbo Timer. When enabled, if the emergency brake has been applied, the engine will be kept running
for a predetermined time to allow for proper cool-down of turbo charged engines. (2 minutes Factory
Default from the application of the emergency brake.
26. Warn-Away Pager Report. When Enabled, Warn-Away report will be sent to the pager. If Disabled
no Warn-Away report will be sent to the pager.