Sunbeam 7689 User Manual

Page 2

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Helpful information

What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the force that blood exerts on

the arteries. This force is constantly changing as

the heart beats. When the heart contracts, blood

pressure reaches its highest value. This is called

systolic blood pressure. When the heart relaxes

between beats, the value of blood pressure is

lower. This is called the diastolic blood pressure.

The unit of measure for blood pressure is the mil-

limeter of mercury, abbreviated

For example, an individual’s blood pressure may

be measured as 120

(systolic) and 80

(diastolic). This would be spoken as “120

over 80” and written as


that blood pressure varies throughout the day.

Food intake, smoking, time of day, stress, level

of exercise and many other factors can affect it.

Typical daily blood pressure fluctuations



What is High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condi-

tion where an individual’s blood pressure