JL Audio SB-N-350/10W3v3 User Manual
Page 2

STEP 10: Lift at the rear of the console and care-
fully pull unit over the emergency hand brake arm.
Continued on Next Page
STEP 7: Disconnect the white wiring plug at the
rear of the A/C controls.
STEP 11: Disconnect the wiring harness at the
plug located under the center console.
STEP 12: Carefully guide the shifter boot trim
panel through the front opening in the console.This
will allow for full removal of the center console.
*Careful not to damage the shifter boot or
scratch the dash panel. *
STEP 13: Remove the center console, out of the
STEP 8: With the shifter trim panel moved to
one side. Remove the pair of Philip head screws at
the front edge of the console.
STEP 9: Engage the emergency brake, by pulling
up on the handle.
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S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 8 7 R ev i s i o n 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 0 4
Pa g e 2
w w w . j l a u d i o . c o m
STEP 14: Remove the rear bulkhead front panel,
by carefully pulling towards the front of the vehcile
around the glove box.