JL Audio Stealthbox XC-BCS12-25 User Manual

I n s t a l l a t I o n G u I d e
for the
Thank you for choosing a JL Audio Stealthbox
for your side by side sport utility sound system. With
proper installation, your new vehicle-specific enclosed subwoofer system will deliver years of listening
We strongly recommend that you have your new Stealthbox
installed by your authorized JL Audio
dealer. The installation professionals employed by your dealer have the necessary tools and experience
to disassemble and reassemble your vehicle properly. Also, keep in mind that your warranty coverage
extends to 2 years if your system is installed or approved by your authorized JL Audio dealer. If you
prefer to perform your own installation, please read this installation guide completely
before beginning the process.
If you choose to perform the installation yourself, it is absolutely vital that the
be properly mounted to the vehicle according to these instructions.
Failure to mount the enclosure properly presents two problems:
1) The sub-bass performance will suffer due to the movement of the enclosure
caused by the force exerted by the woofer(s).
2) A loose enclosure presents a serious safety hazard in the event of a collision
or sudden deceleration.
s t e P 1
Clean off the area around the drivers seat, and the floor
around the drivers side.
Remove the seat bottom cusion.
Continued on Next Page
s t e P 2
Looking down from the passenger side through the
opening where the driver would sit. Use the long bolt going
down through location #1 as reference (see detail below),
pivot bracket untill the end at #2 is parallel with the outer
frame rail. Mark the hole at #2 and drill the frame rail.
notice the orientation of the bracket with the hole
closer to the end being installed towards the frame
d e t a I l
d I F F I C u lt Y :
estImated tIme:
1-2 HouRs