GE 45233 GE Home Monitoring Wireless Color Camera with Night Vision User Manual

Page 9

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Interference on camera picture
1. Make sure each camera (transmitter) is within
range, and that no large obstructions are blocking
the signal.

2. Try repositioning the camera, monitor (receiver) or
both to improve the reception quality.

3. If a camera is positioned close to the monitor,
point antenna away from the receiver.

4. Reposition other nearby equipment transmitting
on the 900MHz frequency.

5. Adjust the antenna for the camera, monitor or
both to obtain best image.

Audio problems
1. Ensure the volume is turned up suffi ciently on the
Monitor (or TV).

2. Make sure the sound is within the microphone

3. If the unit emits a loud wailing sound (feeds back),
try moving the camera away from the receiver or
angle the receiver differently.


(Subject to change without notice.)

TV System............................................................................................NTSC
Integrated Lens ........................................5.6mm, F1.8 fi xed focus
Resolution ................................................... 360 horizontal TV Lines