GE 45227 GE IntelliCorder Camera System Quick Start Guide User Manual
Intellicorder quick start guide
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IntelliCorder Quick Start Guide
It is stnngy renmirMnded thot you foib« these step-by-step hstructions to set up ond quickly begin using your UNMCKTHfCONTCNTS Cethar the tonsitusreced bdow tt soRflcte the procedures thatMlow Inffiunion monud it de induded in thepodco9^ Front Sensor O o à Screw for Brocket Mounting Brocket Chorger Double-sided Tope Color Monitor Rechorgeoble Bottery Supporter 2pcs Tool INSTALLING INTELLICORDER INTO THE DOOR U Rrepore the mounting spuce Iremo'e the originol doer peeplwte viewer or drill o hole of ot iMst 9 / 16 * (lAnvnl danveter. 21 Corefuly pull out the rfehert coble front the convero ebe. Feed the rbhert coble ond Comoro tube thru the peephole. Use the double- sided upe to lix the Frcrtt Sensor ord SI RosiUen the Mounter Drocket cn the irtside of door over peephole. Feed hbbon coble thru mourtting brocket ond support tube. 41 Irtsert Support tube through the Mouniirg brocket erd peephole. Use the Tod to turn the Supporter clochMse unti it b secure to the door. $1 Ccrtnect the nbbert coble phig to the illFUT Corvteotcr by motchr^ the onow symbols. 61 ftenvo’/e the insubter of Cicok Sottery from the boo k side of Monitor 7 ) kbek the Monitor onto the Mourtdng Srocket. Threod the screw for bracket to hde of the wth's bottom ord turn it clockwbe. INSTALL THE $0/ MMC CAROipurchose se(drote^l Insert SOrktdC cord vuih the lego foang teword U« LCD INSERTING THE 6ATTERV 1) Insert tottery htsU^e dtsrger. Ihe red i^twll Cum en.indcodng Ute bottery is chorghg. the green (ght vut turn ortwhen diotgi^is comdete 2 ) Side dMvrt ond opert the bomry ccmpo-tiTtem cover ort the sded the inidtCorder ord insert ihebotteryurbi Ute bottery Mb didcsinto pbee J) Ooseondsideupihecover. Logo fdces this side p 1= & p f " Light Indicator v. SET THE OATEANO TIME II Press MQIUMet^ Menu mode 21 use totroveMSetup SI PressOKtoenterthesettingr^e 41 Use^frATtomwetoCbte/Trne. feessOKtoerter SI Use^bMnKvetodesreditent Theselectedbemisdveysbirkir^ 61 PressATMcha-^evdue 71 PressOKMsoredmges 81 Durir^settrg.ptessMStUMcoroel selectisnordgobotktolostmenu. * htetiCorder wii oulomsticdy go dT ord obarvdsn settirg Hide lor 1 minute ■¡sar 2005-05-13 YYYY-MM-DD DATE/TIME 1 Date 2 Time 3 Date Format YYYY ■ MM ■ DD MM-DD-YYYY 4 Time Format 12-HOUR 24-HOUR MOTlON-AafeEOVlCEO CAPTURE inteliCorder recordsvisters wen uhen you ore not hnne 21 'MvennKbertbdetectedihecaTcorderbegnsrecordng.HeerbnuestecBtdr^urblmotKn hos ceased Icr 5 er lOseccndsiselectoblel SI View recetdr^ on moritcr. Use ClSeiAV to swHdt between LCD C(i‘TD(TS OfF/lCD OfF. 41 Thegreen'MÁV'igMwlUWcindcaiir^orwwilelosbeenrecorded SI Mven the memory b U. reccrefrg stops and a TUIL* hdbotor iRcd iscrt to tel you to reploceit wiho new memcrycotd cr dea* the memory. LME MODE inteltCorder's 12 S-degree lens enoUes you to scfeiy view cut ycu dwr befereepering U SetMOOEtolME. 2 ) intelCorder begro to rrontcr the surrsundrg irt front ol doer lor meborv Itwll go to stend-by nxdeHnotrtcbenbdeiecteClcrwhenmotbahxceosedlor Sto lOsecondsiselettoblel SI Use OK (o nKnudI/ siort/stop recordr^ lAhen tve memory b M. recotdr^ step« ond o Ail Memory Indcotcr ifred b cn to tel you Mreplote Hwlh 0 rew memory cord er SI View outsde xerteonmenrtor. Use DISPLAY Mowteh between LCD OMTEXTS OFPICD OFF. RE/IWINGAVIDEO II SetMOOEtoPbyiThumbnalllelsiwIlorpeat 21 Use^frATMsdectyeurdesiredrrwinK 41 UseOKtodVP^^''^hyihevideo. SI UsedSrlAYMoha^beiweenLCOOWTEXTSCFPICDOFF. 61 Itwilgotostond-bymodecfter Irnnuteide. When av ideo ispbying When thevideoepmicedlstcpped ■ Press db torewindorlost-lMwotd tbevbeo • Press db tostptoprevíMslnextvbeo ■ Press AT Msocmncrcut •PressATtorvoreoseordeaeosevdume • Hdd db A ▼ M po^ M desired posibon ERASIN6AVIDE0 II SeiMOOEtoFlAYavderouretheLCOboarpresspowetl 21 Use ^bAT to sdeetdesiredflein ihumhnalview 71 Press MENU to enter Henu mode 41 UsedbATtonvweto&osedes SI PteSiS OK to enter the setting mode 61 Use AT to sdect'Concel'or ^K*. PressOKtoddete ‘ GotoEKBeFliordioitw the sor « step i«ddKeoi TOVlEWVloeO FILES ON COMPUTER Veu con download video enoges from a remo'oble SD'MMC cord to your PC 1 ) TorenxvetheSD/MMCoardlpressonittordease 2 ) Irtsert the cord into a card reader ond then connect it to your computer 7 ) Rcotbber cDCIM> clC 0 COD£R>CllPC 001 - 2 ; 3 .. :wil bedspbj-Hon yew PC screen Note: btdIiCerder compresses video doto nto F 41 forraot. II your computer does not hove oppropriote codec to open the fib. you may need to downbod o free H>iD codec 1 -DM- 6 S 4 -D 4 S 3 . 2005ÌD1JD9 2005JD1/10 2005/01/11 12 : 00:00 12 : 00:00 12 : 00:00
new Door Canooider For more cornplett instructions F
Comero onto the front sde of door. Ensure FIR Sensor is posiUorted obove comero.
Not« intdiCordtr is eguppedwih rtemd mentsry lor inbol recctofc^ ipto A nnites.
dear the memory
Green indcoter wit fbrh to rKkoie o r>ew record Vbu con moritcr the pisstadc picure on
31 Press OK to open b.
from htt^/wvM'koepicrg/^id.shtml or Oh'X codec fromwvwdvxxcm.Corttoct
Custemer Service for any guestions
Document Outline
- It is stnngy renmirMnded thot you foib« these step-by-step hstructions to set up ond quickly begin using your new Door Canooider For more cornplett instructions F
- 2005-05-13
- 2005ÌD1JD9 2005JD1/10 2005/01/11
- 12:00:00 12:00:00 12:00:00