Jeff Rowland Design Group 201 User Manual
Page 8

© J e f f R ow l a n d d e s i g n g R o u p 2 0 07. a l l R i g h t s R e s e R v e d .
P r ot e c t i o n S y S t e m S
The Model 201 Mono Amplifier is equipped with internal fuses for
pro tection against excessive AC current draw; however, since no
protection circuitry or system can completely protect a product from
every electrical hazard, certain precautions should be observed.
In the event of severe voltage hazards such as lightning or when the
amplifier will not be used for extended periods of time, the amplifier
should be unplugged from the AC mains to avoid potential damage
to the internal circuitry. All other audio/video system components
should also be disconnected from AC mains power as hazardous
voltages can easily travel throughout an interconnected system.
If you have any questions about the care or cleaning of your Model
201 Mono Amplifier, please contact your dealer or the JRDG factory
before attempting to clean the chassis. The use of a cleanser or
abrasive to clean the chassis that has not been approved by the
factory will almost certainly damage the finish and will not be
covered under warranty.
NOTE: Cleaner/polish should be applied directly to the cloth and not the chassis.