Jeff Rowland Design Group 201 User Manual

Page 11

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P O B OX 7 2 3 1 , C O LO R A D O S P R I N G S , C O LO R A D O 8 0 9 3 3 U S A E - m A I L : j R D G @ j E f f R Ow L A N D . C O m w w w. j E f f R Ow L A N D . C O m T E L E P H O N E ( 7 1 9) 47 3 -1 1 8 1


The Model 201 Mono Amplifier offers unprecedented compatibility with
associated audio and A/V components. When connecting or discon-
necting speaker or interconnect cables, the amplifier Master AC Power
Switch (5) should be turned OFF.

(1) POWER INDICATOR LED: When the amplifier is connected to
AC mains and the Master AC Power Switch (5) is turned ON, the small
front panel power indicator will illuminate blue. When the Master AC
Power Switch is OFF, the indicator will be off.

(2) BALANCED SIGNAL INPUT: If you are using balanced XLR inter-
connects from your source components, they should be connected to
the balanced input connector. The connector unlocking tab must be
pressed to disconnect the XLR inter connect cable from the amp lifier.

NOTE: Pin 2 of the XLR connector is signal positive with respect to speaker output positive.
Also, JRDG recommends balanced cables as the preferred method of interconnection.
XLR to RCA adaptors are available from JRDG if RCA, single-ended interconnects are
used. Amplifier gain is not affected by choice of input type.








S i g n a l & p o w e r c o n n e c t i o n S

OW N E R ’ S M A N UA L M O D E L 2 01 M O N O A M P L I FI E R