Jeep E-60 User Manual
Page 30

1. Plow toward garage pushing snow to one side.
2. Set blade to straight position, lift it as high as possible and drive
through snow to garage. Drop blade and back drag to street.
3. Back into driveway and angle blade again. Use as many passes as
necessary to clear drive.
Areas where there is little or no space for stacking cleared snow are
considered "trapped." An example is an area requiring full access from
surrounding buildings. Snowplowing techniques are the same as for any
other space of comparable size, but heavy accumulations must be piled
for removal by truck.
Driveways and aprons are most efficiently cleared by maneuverable four-
wheel drive vehicles. Recommended procedure is to enter the driveway
rolling snow away from the residence. Stop about two-thirds of the way
in; set the blade in bucking position, lift as high as possible, then drive
through the snow to the garage. Drop the blade and back drag to the
street. Turn around, back into the cleared path to the garage, reset the
blade angle and continue rolling snow away from the house. Complete as
many passes as necessary to clear the snow.
When snow clearance conditions are perfect, snow can be merely
pushed out of the way to unused areas. The first storm of the season,
plow back from the drive area to allow space to pile future snowfall. It is
usually necessary to pile snow up to considerable heights. In that case,
push the snow forward and upward by raising the snowplow as you
move into the pile. The vehicle's momentum will carry the plow into the
pile, avoiding equipment damage. The pile should slope outward, so later
snows can be pushed upward. WARNING: Stacking snow or pushing up
into high snow piles with the plow in Lower/Float or Angled position can
cause damage to the Snow Plow components or the vehicle that will not
be covered under the Diamond Equipment Warranty Program. Such
damage may include, without limitation, twisting the A-Frame, the
Moldboard hitting the Lift Arm, or the Plow Markers striking the vehicle.