Recording your calls, Call merging and switching, Faqs and troubleshooting 13. getting assistance – Jabra PRO 9460 User Manual
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Jabra PRO 9460, Jabra PRO 9460 DuO, Jabra PRO 9465 DuO anD Jabra PRO 9470 useR manual
9. usIng Jabra PRO 9465 DuO OR Jabra PRO 9470 wIth
a mOBIle PhOne ................................................................................ 61
9.2 PaiRing and connecting with otheR Bluetooth® deviceS ....................61
9.3 foRcing Reconnection/diSconnection via the touchScReen ...........62
10. ReCORDIng yOuR Calls ................................................................ 64
10.2 uSing windowS Sound RecoRdeR to RecoRd a conveRSation ............65
11. Call meRgIng anD swItChIng ................................................ 66
12. faQs anD tROuBleshOOtIng .................................................... 70
13. gettIng assIstanCe ...................................................................... 73