Jacuzzi GQ99000 User Manual

Page 5

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Chromatherapy: Installation and Operation

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GQ99000 • 07-08

LeaK test

Allow the silicone to cure for 24 hours before performing the Leak

Test. Fill the bath with water and check for leakage at the lamp


operate Chromatherapy Lighting

The Chromatherapy Control Panel is located for easy access

while using the bath, see Figure 8. It is controlled by a three-

button panel. The three button panel controls the Light Switch

(center button), and two arrow keys (the Up Arrow and the Down

Arrow), see Figure 9.

Use Chromatherapy Lighting

1. Press the Control Panel Light Switch to initiate the

Chromatherapy Lighting. The color that shines is the last

color that was on when the Chromatherapy Lighting was

turned off (Programmed Color).

2. Press the Light Switch again to initiate the simple White


3. Press the Light Switch a third time to turn off the

Chromatherapy Lighting.

Control Chromatherapy Lighting

The use of the arrow keys provides beautiful and useful options

for the lighting.

ControL CoLor Lighting
When you initiate the Chromatherapy Lighting, the Programmed

Color will shine. Use the Up Arrow to initiate cycling through the

colors. The scrolling through the wonderful colors indeed provides

a "chromatherapeutic" effect.

note: The color cycle is: Orange, red, pink, violet, blue, green,

yellow, and orange again. (If you use the Down Arrow, the color

cycling will follow the reverse order through the colors.)

If you want to stop at a particular color, simply use the Up Arrow

again to stop the cycling.

ControL White Lighting
In the White Lighting setting there are two positions for a brighter

light, controlled by the Up Arrow; and two positions for the dimmer

light, using the Down Arrow.

Figure 9. Chromatherapy Control Panel