Using the timers, Listening to auxiliary equip- ment, Setting the clock – JVC UX-5500R User Manual
Page 18: Setting the daily timer, 14 engli s h
You can listen to a turntable or other auxiliary equipment
1. Set the VOLUME to minimum position.
2. Press the AUX button.
3. Start playing the auxiliary equipment.
4. Adjust the VOLUME control to the desired
listening level.
5. Apply sound effects, if you wish.
To exit AUX mode
RWKHU#VRXUFH1 Note: For operation of the auxiliary equipment, refer to its own In- Listening to Auxiliary Equip- ■ ■ Using the Timers :KHQ#WKH#6\VWHP#LV#LQ#XVH/#WKH#GLVSOD\#VKRZV#RWKHU#LWHPV#DV#ZHOO1 )RU#VLPSOLFLW\/#ZH#VKRZ#KHUH#RQO\#WKH#LWHPV#GHVFULEHG#LQ#WKLV#VHFWLRQ1 VOLUME CD TUNER BAND MD /TAPE DOWN SET UP TREBLE CANCEL BASS RANDOM REPEAT PROGRAM AUTO PRESET CD AHB. SUPER PRO FM MODE AUX DISPLAY SLEEP DIMMER REMOTE CONTROL RM-RXU5500R DISPLAY MODE PTY/EON DISPLAY MODE PTY/EON AUX MD/TAPE TIMER/SNOOZE TUNER BAND OPEN/CLOSE SLEEP CLOCK UP MULTI CONTROL DOWN U L T R A M IC RO COMPON EN T S Y S T E M UX-5500R CD SLEEP 4 CLOCK TIMER/ Timer indicator SLEEP indicator SNZ indicator SLEEP 7KH#WLPHUV#OHW#\RX#FRQWURO#OLVWHQLQJ#IXQFWLRQV#DXWRPDWLFDOO\1 Notes: ‡ 7KH#FORFN#PXVW#EH#FRUUHFWO\#VHW#IRU#WKH#WLPHUV#WR#ZRUN1 ‡ The procedure must be completed within two minutes. Otherwise, the setting is cleared and must be repeated from the beginning. # ■ 1. Press the CLOCK button on the Unit for more than two seconds. 7KH#FORFN#UDSLGO\#EOLQNV1 ■ 2. Press the 4 or ¢ button on the Unit to set the time. Pressing the ¢ button moves the time forwards and pressing the 4 button moves it backwards. Hold down the button to move the time in 10-minute intervals 1 ■ 3. Press the CLOCK button. 7KH#VHOHFWHG#WLPH#LV#VHW#DQG#WKH#VHFRQGV#VWDUW#FRXQWLQJ#IURP#31 CAUTION: If there is a power failure, the clock Note: 7KH#FORFN#PD\#JDLQ#RU#ORVH#RQH#WR#WZR#PLQXWHV#SHU#PRQWK1# You can set the Timer whether the System is on or off. Once you have set the Daily Timer, the timer will be activated at the Note: Perform each setting within 30 seconds. Otherwise, the set- ■ 1. Press the button to turn on the System. Setting the Clock UP MULTI CONTROL DOWN +IRU#5#VHFRQGV, Setting the Daily Timer Ux5500(E) Page 14 Monday, May 11, 1998 4:26 PM
loses its setting after about 20 minutes. The dis-
play shows “0:00” and blinks, and the clock must
be reset.
same time every day. It can be cancelled and re-activated whenever
you wish.
The Timer indicator on the display shows when the Daily Timer you
have set is in effect.
ting is cleared and the procedure must be repeated from the