Caution, Danger – John Deere HR-2410GH User Manual

Page 14

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Operator's Manual

oPeRatinG instRuCtions

PRiminG tHe PumP:

. It is essential to prime the pump on initial start-up and each time the water

supply is disconnected from the unit after initial use.

2. Lay the high pressure hose out to remove any loops. Water flow will tighten

the hose, creating tight loops if the hose is not straight.

NOTE: The nozzle assembly should NOT be connected to the gun assembly

at this time. See "Nozzle Connection", pg. 11

3. With the trigger gun locked in the "OFF" position, turn the water supply

completely on. Pointing the gun in a safe direction, unlock the trigger gun

and squeeze the trigger.

4. Low pressure water will begin flowing from the hose/gun assembly. This

allows the unit to prime and purge any air from the system. The unit is

primed when water flow is uninterrupted by air.

5. Once the unit is primed, release the trigger and lock the gun in the "OFF"

position. Securely connect the nozzle assembly to the gun assembly.


RisK of damaGe.

do not alloW sPRay PatteRn

to Remain on a fiXed aRea

foR an eXtended PeRiod of

time. Possible damaGe may

oCCuR to tHe aRea.


RisK of inJeCtion CausinG

seVeRe inJuRy!

-KeeP CleaR of nozzle! neVeR

PlaCe Hand oR finGeRs in

fRont of nozzle!

-do not diReCt disCHaRGe

stReam at PeoPle oR Pets!

-be CeRtain tHe nozzle

is seCuRely ConneCted

to tHe Wand to PReVent

aCCidental disCHaRGe!

. Refer to the "Safety Precautions" pgs. 4-7 before starting the unit.
. Locate the Safety Decals on your unit and heed their warnings.
3. With the gun locked in the "OFF" position, Point the trigger gun away from

yourself or anyone else. Ensure the water supply is completely turned


4. Disengage the safety lock-off on the gun and squeeze the trigger. Low

pressure water will begin flowing from the nozzle.


be CeRtain the trigger gun remains in an open position while starting

the engine. Brace yourself as the gun will kickback from the high pressure

created by the pump once the engine has started.

6. Steady the unit during engine start-up. (Refer to the engine manual

accompanying this pressure washer for the correct procedures needed to

start the engine.)

7. Once the engine has started, perform the following procedures with the gun

a. Inspect for system oil leaks and fuel leaks. If a fuel leak is found, TURN

UNIT OFF IMMEDIATELY! See "Fire & Ventilation Precautions", # and

#4, pg. 4. Be sure that all damaged parts are replaced and that the

mechanical problems are corrected prior to operation of the unit.

If you require service, contact Customer Service.

b. Inspect high pressure hoses for kinking, cuts and leaks. If a cut

or leak is found, DO NOT TOUCH HOSE AT LEAK!!! TURN UNIT

OFF IMMEDIATELY! Replace hose before restarting the unit. See

"Miscellaneous Safety Precautions" #6, pg. 6. Be sure that all damaged

parts are replaced and that the mechanical problems are corrected

prior to operation of the unit. If you require service, contact Customer


8. Trigger the gun several times and try adjusting the spray pattern.

be certain

to LOCK the trigger gun in the "OFF" position whenever adjusting the spray

pattern. NEVER look directly into the nozzle! High pressure water creates

a risk of severe injury!

9. Do not allow unit to operate in bypass mode (with trigger closed) for more

than three minutes without triggering the gun. Failure to follow this simple

rule can cause premature failure of pump packing seals, resulting in costly

pump repair.

10. Because your pressure washer delivers a high pressure spray and a variety

of spray patterns, there are many cleaning jobs that can be done without

the use of detergents. If a cleaning agent is required, see "Cleaning With

Detergents" pg. 5 for the correct procedures.

nozzle ConneCtion