Warning, End of preparation instructions – John Deere HR-2410GH User Manual

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Operator's Manual


installation & PRePaRation

PRe-staRt insPeCtion PRoCeduRes:
Before starting the unit, perform the following procedures:
. Check the oil level in the pump and engine.
2. Inspect the water inlet filter. Clean or replace if necessary. See "Water

Supply", #, pg. .

3. Check all hose connections to ensure they are securely tightened. See

"Water Supply", #3, pg. .

4. Inspect for system fuel leaks. If a fuel leak is found, DO NOT START

UNIT! See "Fire & Ventilation Precautions", #2 and #4, pg. 4. Be sure

that all damaged parts are replaced and that the mechanical problems

are corrected prior to operation of the unit. If you require service, contact

Customer Service.

5. Inspect high pressure hoses for kinking, cuts and leaks. If a cut or leak

is found, DO NOT USE HOSE! Replace hose before starting unit. See

"Miscellaneous Safety Precautions" #6, pg. 6. Be sure that all damaged

parts are replaced and that the mechanical problems are corrected

prior to operation of the unit. If you require service, contact Customer


end of PRePaRation instRuCtions


tHe folloWinG PaGes Contain oPeRatinG and

maintenanCe instRuCtions

do not attemPt to oPeRate tHis PRessuRe WasHeR

until you HaVe Read and undeRstood all safety

PReCautions and instRuCtions listed in tHis manual.

inCoRReCt oPeRation of tHis unit Can Cause seRious


do not alteR oR modify tHis eQuiPment in any manneR!