Preparation – John Deere HR-BG5002 User Manual
Page 9

Operator’s Manual
John Deere models are designed to be used with an LP-Gas
Cylinder equipped with the new QCC
- Quick Closing Coupling
- system incorporates new safety features required
by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the
Canadian Standards Steering Committee.
• Gas will not flow until a positive connection has been
• A thermal element will shut off the flow of gas between
and 00
• When activated, a Flow Limiting Device will limit the
flow of gas to 10 cubic feet per hour.
lP-GaS CylIndeR
The lP-Gas Cylinder is not included with the Gas Grill. Be sure
to purchase one with the QCC
valve. This valve is recognized by
the external threads on the inlet port of the valve. QCC
cylinders are available from your local hardware stores or LP-Gas
dealer. (Fig. )
WaRnInG: any aTTeMPT TO COnneCT THe ReGulaTOR,
By uSe Of adaPTeRS OR any OTHeR MeanS,
TO any OTHeR ValVe COuld ReSulT In
daMaGe, fIRe OR InjuRy and May neGaTe
THe IMPORTanT SafeTy feaTuReS deSIGned
-1 SySTeM.
. All LP-Gas Cylinders used with this appliance must be
constructed and marked with the specifications for LP-
Gas Cylinders in accordance with the Canadian Transport
Commission (CTC) for use in Canada, or the U.S. Department
of Transport (DOT) for use in the U.S.A.
. The LP-Gas Cylinder used for this appliance must not have a
capacity larger than 0 Ib. (9 kg). Approximately 8” (46cm)
high ” (cm) diameter.
. All LP-Gas Cylinders used with this appliance should be
inspected at every filling and re-qualified by a licensed service
outlet at the expiry date (0 years), in accordance with the DOT
(USA) and CTC (Canada) codes for LP-Gas Cylinders.
4. All LP-Gas Cylinders used with this appliance must be provided
with a shut-off valve terminating in a cylinder valve outlet No.
510, specified in the Standard for Compressed Gas Cylinder
Valve Outlet and Inlet Connection (USA) ANSI/CGA-V-1-1977
(Canada) CSA B96.
The cylinder supply system must be arranged for vapor
withdrawal. The cylinder must include a collar to protect the
cylinder valve. The cylinder valve must include a safety relief
device having direct communication with the vapor space of
the cylinder.