IGo Direct PPC 6700 User Manual
Page 10

13. If the mouse has previously been connected
with your Pocket PC but you have pressed the
Discoverable mode button during normal use,
the mouse will lose its bond with your
handheld device. Tap Connect to reestablish
the bond.
14. On the Advanced page, there are buttons
provided to select Power efficient mode
and Mouse Pointer mode.
a. Power efficient mode – Allows you to
enable the Stowaway Mouse application
to Auto-detect the proper power setting
for your device combination
(keyboard/mouse/PDA, etc.), or to turn
On or Off Power efficient mode.
b. Mouse pointer mode – Most PDA
displays work well with Enhanced mode.
Some will require Safe mode for effective
mouse pointer tracking and use.
15. The Mouse Status Page displays the
mouse battery status. The three states of
the battery are Normal, Low and Critical:
a. Normal – This is the most common state
of the battery.
b. Low – This is a warning that the
batteries have reached a threshold where
they should be replaced soon.
c. Critical – This means the batteries are in
imminent danger of reaching a point
where they will no longer function.
Stowaway Bluetooth Mouse Owner’s Manual
Page 10