Ikelite 6146.10 User Manual

Page 5

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PPhhoottoo TTiippss

1. The number one rule in underwater photography is eliminate

as much water between camera and subject as possible. Get

as close as you can to the subject, then use the zoom. If you

are using flash, subjects beyond 6 feet (1.8m)will not have

much color.

2. The camera’s built-in flash is very close to the camera lens. The

flash can light up any suspended particles in the water and they

can be recorded in your picture. This effect is called backscatter.

To eliminate as much backscatter as possible, photograph close.

Photograph in clear water; do not stir up the sand or silty

bottom. If backscatter becomes a problem in the environment

you are photographing, an external flash will help eliminate

much of the backscatter.

3. Many digital cameras have a slight lag time between when you

press the shutter release button and the camera actually takes

the picture. Hold the camera steady a second or two after

pressing the shutter release button.

4. Do not shoot down on subjects as they will quite often blend

into the background and be difficult to see in the photograph.

Shoot subjects straight on or shoot up at a slight angle using

the blue water as a contrasting background.

5. Underwater flash is used to restore the warmer colors filtered

out by the water as well as to illuminate the subject. When

photographing underwater, set the camera to use flash on

every shot. If the camera’s flash is set to AUTO and the sun is

behind your subject, the camera may see enough light and not

fire the flash. With the sun behind the subject, the subject is

shaded (dark) and needs flash for a good exposure.

6. When using daylight or flash, if your camera consistently over

or underexposes the image, you may want to adjust your

camera’s exposure compensation settings.

GGeenneerraall TTiippss

1. Due to the power required to operate the camera, flash, and

LCD screen, it is a good idea to start each dive with a fresh set

of batteries.

2. Some cameras reset their flash to AUTO when the camera is

turned on. If you prefer another setting be sure to select it.

3. As soon as you enter the water, take a moment and check the

housing to see that it is properly sealed.

4. Next, check to see if there are any bubbles on the face of the

lens port. If there are, take your finger and remove them. If

there are bubbles on the lens port they can produce soft focus

spots in your photographs.

5. If you are shooting with the camera’s built-in flash and the

camera lens is set to the widest angle, you may need to zoom

the lens slightly or a shadow may appear in the lower left

corner of close-up photographs. The lens port may block some

of the light. Installing the flash diffuser will help to eliminate

the shadow.

(You can test this above water)



OTTEE:: To shoot photographs closer than 2 feet (0.6m), you should

use an external strobe such as the DS51 or DS161. With an

external strobe, you can position it so nothing blocks the light

path between the strobe and the subject.


lubricate shaft

pull out to
expose shaft

Diagram B

PPhhoottoo TTiippss CCoonntt..

7. Image manipulation programs can often correct underexposed

images. Overexposed images result in missing color information

which cannot be corrected. If exposure error occurs, it is better

to have the image slightly underexposed.



Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess
BBaacckk oo--rriinngg



Carry a spare o-ring in case the original becomes damaged or lost.

TTrraayy w

wiitthh D

Duuaall RReelleeaassee H




Required to mount two external Substrobes.



D--44 W

Wiiddee--AAnnggllee CCoonnvveerrssiioonn D





The removeable WD-4 corrects light refraction underwater,

restoring the camera’s original 28mm angle of coverage.

Approximately 3/4 of the camera's zoom range can be used with

the dome in place. Additional information is linked from the G10

web page at

EExxtteerrnnaall M

Maaccrroo AAddaappttoorr #


Allows attachment of 67mm threaded macro lenses from Inon and

Epoque. NOT for use with 67mm threaded wide-angle lenses.




Otthheerr AAcccceessssoorryy aanndd W

Wiiddee--AAnnggllee CCoonnvveerrssiioonn


leennsseess ccaannnnoott bbee uusseedd w

wiitthh tthhiiss hhoouussiinngg..

IIkkeelliittee LLiim

miitteedd W


All Ikelite products are warranted against any manufacturing

defects for a period of one year from the original date of purchase.

Defective products should be returned prepaid to Ikelite. Ikelite

will, at its discretion, repair or replace such products, and will

return to customer prepaid. All other claims of any nature are not

covered. Housing is pressure tested and warranted to 200’ (60m)

maximum underwater depth. Except as mentioned above, no other

warranty expressed or implied, applies to this Ikelite product.



w ttoo ccoonnttaacctt IIkkeelliittee iiff nneecceessssaarryy

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone 317.923.4523

Fax 317.924.7988

RReettuurrnniinngg PPrroodduuccttss ffoorr SSeerrvviiccee

((oouuttssiiddee tthhee U

Unniitteedd SSttaatteess))

For the separate international customs documentation form that

you complete to accompany the shipment, please state or

designate that the enclosed products were originally manufactured

in the USA and are being returned to the manufacturer for repair

service. Value of the equipment listed for customs purposes should

be zero.

RReettuurrnniinngg PPrroodduuccttss ffoorr SSeerrvviiccee

Ikelite is most interested in performing any service to ensure that

all products perform as intended. Evidence of purchase date must

be provided to obtain warranty service.

No prior authorization is required. You may return directly to us or

through your dealer. Please include a brief description of the

problem, any relevant e-mail correspondence, and/or instructions

on what you want us to do. Always include name, shipping address,

e-mail address, and phone number inside of the package.

You may also want to insure the package. No reimbursements for

return freight will be issued. Send Postage Pre-Paid to:

Ikelite Underwater Systems

ATTN: Repair Dept.

50 West 33 Street

Indianapolis, IN 46208 USA

IIkkeelliittee U


waatteerr SSyysstteem


5500 W

Weesstt 3333rrdd SSttrreeeett

IInnddiiaannaappoolliiss,, IIN

N 4466220088 U


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