Ikelite Olympus SP-500 User Manual
Page 3
CChheecckkiinngg CCoonnttrroollss
Once the housing has been closed push the controls back into
place Make sure they line up with the camera’s controls
m CCoonnttrrooll
(NOTE:) After you have used the
housing’s zoom control it must be
returned to the center position to
disengage If the housing zoom
control is pushing the zoom lever
in either direction the camera
may not take a picture or access
any other function as the camera
is receiving a signal from the
engaged zoom control
TTuurrnn CCaam
meerraa O
Turn the camera on and operate each of the housing controls to
get a feel for using the camera in the housing Take a few
pictures above water with the camera in the housing
Zoom control
Zoom control
CClloossiinngg tthhee H
Place housing face down in your
Check to see that there is an
o’ring on the housing back and
that it is clean and in its proper
Guide the back onto the housing
The o’ring should touch the
housing all the way around There
should be an even gap all the way
around between the housing and
the housing back
Lift the lid snaps so they are
extended and place the lid snap
into the hook on the housing
To close the housing push
down on the lid snaps until
they snap into place Lid
snaps on opposite sides of the
housing should be closed at the
same time Be sure they are down
far enough to engage the lock
Doouubbllee cchheecckk Once the housing is closed check the o’ring seal
Check the gap between the housing back and the housing it
should be even all the way around
Look through the clear plastic back at the o’ring You should see a
darkened area where the o’ring is compressed against the
housing back If you do not see an even black compression seal
all the way around the back open the lid snaps reseat the
housing back and close the lid snaps Visually check the seal again
housing back
housing back
even gap
all 4 sides
Oppeenniinngg tthhee H
Lid Snaps have a LLoocckk
To open push Lid Snap Lock
forward and lift as shown
Keep pressure on the Lid
Snap so it does not fly open
Some lid snaps have a lot of
spring tension once they go over center have a firm grip on the
lid snap Lid Snaps may be opened one at a time
IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee CCaam
Remove the back from
the housing The
mounting tray for the
camera is secured to the
housing back Position
the camera on the tray
and secure it with the
mounting bolt which
threads into the camera’s
tripod socket U
Ussee aa ccooiinn
oorr ffllaatt bbllaaddddeedd
wddrriivveerr ttoo ttiigghhtteenn
tthhee m
moouunnttiinngg bboolltt ssoo tthhee
meerraa iiss ffllaatt aaggaaiinnsstt tthhee ttrraayy
Some camera tripod socket threads are plastic The mounting
tray bolt is metal Do not cross thread or over tighten as you
may damage the camera tripod socket threads
Pull out on each housing control until it stops This will get the
controls out of the way for installing the camera
Push Forward
Lid Snap Lock
LLeennss PPoorrtt
The Lens Port is factory sealed do not remove
Treat the glass in the lens port as a camera lens After use rinse
and gently dry the lens port to avoid water spotting To clean
use a mild soap solution or lens cleaner
Do not use alcohol or window cleaner on the Lens Port
The Lens Port is threaded so that accessory lenses can be
screwed onto the port The threads are very fine take care not
to cross thread the lens
Wide angle lenses are available from Inon Sea & Sea and
Epoque These lenses can be screwed onto the lens port above
or below water These lenses are designed to have water
between the front of the port and the accessory lens Make sure
no air bubbles are trapped between the port and the accessory
lens There may be slight vignetting when these wide angle
lenses are installed Any vignetting that occurs can be
eliminated by zooming the camera lens slightly To properly
light subjects when using
a wide angle lens an
external strobe should be
used Due to the wide
angle of coverage of the
Inon Sea & Sea and
Epoque lenses the DS
Substrobe is
recommended or two
DS Substrobes
Wide Angle Lens
Housing shown with
accessory wide angle lens