IMC Networks TP/FO & TP/BNC User Manual
Page 8

Pulsing FiberAlert
Pulsing FiberAlert minimizes the problems associated with the loss of one strand of
fiber. If a strand is unavailable, the IMC Networks device at the receiver end notes
the loss of link. The device will stop transmitting data and start sending link pulses.
Until a valid link is received, the fiber link LED will be OFF on the device on the
receiver side of the fiber strand with the fault while the fiber Link LED on the other
unit will blink. Pulsing FiberAlert notifies a local site administrator of a fault, allowing
quick determination of where a cable fault resides.
You can enable Pulsing FiberAlert on BOTH sides of a conversion.
Configuring Pulsing FiberAlert
McBasic TP/FO features an 8-position DIP switch located
on the bottom of the unit for configuring Pulsing
FiberAlert after installation. To enable Pulsing FiberAlert,
move the switch labeled “FA Pulse” to the ON position.
After configuring the DIP switch, power down the unit
and then power up again for the changes to take effect.
The default setting for this feature is shown to the right.
Switches 5-8 are factory-configured; DO NOT change.
If unsure of how to best implement these features in
your configuration, please contact IMC Networks Technical Support at (800) 624-
1070 (U.S. and Canada); +32-16-550880 (Europe).