Cclloossiinngg tthhee h hoouussiinngg – Ikelite Olympus E-500 User Manual

Page 2

background image


CClloossiinngg tthhee H


Place housing face down in your lap

Check to see that there is an

o’ring on the housing back and

that it is clean and in its proper


Guide the back onto the housing

The o’ring should touch the

housing all the way around

There should be an even gap all

the way around between the

housing and the housing back

Lift the lid snaps so they are

extended and place the lid snap

into the hook on the housing


To close the housing push

down on the lid snaps until

they snap into place Lid

snaps on opposite sides of the

housing should be closed at the

same time Be sure they are

down far enough to engage the



Doouubbllee cchheecckk Once the housing is closed check the o’ring seal

Check the gap between the housing back and the housing it

should be even all the way around

Look through the clear plastic back at the o’ring You should see a

darkened area where the o’ring is compressed against the

housing back If you do not see an even black compression seal

all the way around the back open the lid snaps reseat the

housing back and close the lid snaps Visually check the seal again


housing back

housing back




even gap
all 4 sides


FFllaasshh CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ffoorr EExxtteerrnnaall SSttrroobbeess

When using an external strobe connect the housings Hot Shoe

Connector slide the

connector into the

hot shoe of the

camera from the

back of the camera

as shown Slide the

connector forward

until it stops This

can be done after

the camera is

secured with the

mounting bolt


Housing Back

External Strobe Connector
Waterproof Cap

Hot Shoe


Do not remove the External

Strobe Connector’s waterproof

cap unless an external sync cord

is going to be plugged in

IInnssttaalllliinngg CCaam

meerraa iinn H


Before installing the camera pull out on the controls in the front

section of the housing This will allow the camera to slide in

easier TThhee AAEELL//AAFFLL hhoouussiinngg ccoonnttrrooll m

muusstt bbee ppuulllleedd oouutt aass ffaarr aass

ppoossssiibbllee ffoorr tthhee ccaam

meerraa ttoo bbee iinnssttaalllleedd TThhee bbeenndd iinn tthhiiss ccoonnttrrooll

sshhoouulldd aallssoo bbee ttoow

waarrdd tthhee ttoopp ooff tthhee hhoouussiinngg Make sure the Hot

Shoe Connector cable is inside the housing and not interfering

with the housing seal Once the camera is installed and the lid

snaps have been closed return the controls to their operating



IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee ZZoooom

m CCllaam


The two halves of the Zoom Clamp are held together by springs

This allows the Zoom Clamp to be stretched to fit over the zoom

grip on different diameter lenses The Zoom Clamp should fit

tight around the lenses zoom grip so that it does not slip when

using it to rotate the camera’s zoom ring If the Clamp is loose

adhere the thin black rubber strips to the inside of each half of

the Zoom Clamp as shown above The Zoom Clamp has two

extended ears with grooves These grooves accept the Ribs on

Gear Sleeve



Rubber Strips

Lens Zoom Grip



m CCllaam



IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee GGeeaarr SSlleeeevvee

It is easiest to install the gear

sleeve and port with the

housing laying on it’s back

with the camera lens pointing

Position the clear plastic Gear

Sleeve with the gear teeth

pointed toward the housing

The Gear Sleeve slides over the

lens and the Gear Sleeve’s ribs slide into the grooves on the

extended ears of the Zoom Clamp The gear teeth on the Gear

Sleeve should mesh with the drive gear in the port opening on

the housing (See front view of housing)

Gear Sleeve



IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee PPoorrtt

There are two port locks on

the front of the housing

(See housing front) Each

port lock has a Release

Button lift the release

button and slide each Port

Lock away from the port

opening In the unlocked

position the Release Button

will remain in the up

position as shown

Port Lock



Lift Release

Button to


Pull Back to



Unlocked Position

Locked Position