Ibm global financing – IBM DS4700 Series User Manual
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IBM Global Financing
Financing that supports throughout the technology life cycle
IBM Global Financing can help you accelerate your acquisitions of the latest technology
and services, and help make your IT and information infrastructure projects more afford-
able by providing competitive, customized financing of your storage, server, PC, software
and services investments. In addition, IBM Global Financing can also enable you to reduce
technology obsolescence risk and handle planning for disposal and replacement of your IT
hardware assets. With single-source, customized, competitive financing of the entire life
cycle of your IT equipment, it is easier to manage both the up-front investment and the
ongoing operating costs.
From acquisition through daily use, buyback and disposal, our end-to-end offerings form
the foundation of a cohesive technology management strategy, improve asset manage-
ment and increase your flexibility in small and large IT projects.
Offerings, rates, terms and availability may vary by country. Contact your local IBM repre-
sentative or visit the Web at
IBM Global Services for System Storage and Storage
Data Storage Services from IBM can help you achieve business objectives by creating
cost-effective data storage solutions that address the requirements of key business appli-
cations. These solutions can support multiple platforms and product vendors, helping to
provide enhanced protection for critical business data, increased asset utilization, availabil-
ity and reliability levels with reduced management costs.
IBM Global Services, as the leading data storage services provider, brings best practices
from its thousands of customer engagements to work with your employees to integrate
new solutions and technology with your business and IT needs. IBM offers a comprehen-
sive portfolio of data storage services including:
Analysis of enterprise information needs and environment
Defined enterprise-wide storage strategies
Quantified business benefits
Backup/restore and business continuity planning
Performance and capacity planning
Enterprise security architecture
Storage migration and consolidation
Networked storage architecture design
SAN configuration and integration services
Proof of concept, validation and certification
Implementation, testing and migration services
Education and training
Installation, relocation, cabling and site preparation
Business and application recovery services
Systems monitoring and management
Managed Storage Services
IBM Global Services has a track record in offering services for open and mainframe stor-
age, data migration, installation and support services for IBM and non-IBM environments.
Some examples are:
IBM Storage Strategy Assessment assists with the vision and strategy, assessment,
architecture and conceptual designs to help customers optimize their storage infrastruc-
ture to new architectures.
IBM Planning Services for 3494 Automated Tape Library and Virtual Tape Server can
help improve tape storage management and gain control of an often expanding library
of tapes.
IBM Operational Support Services for Tivoli Storage Manager assists customers in the
planning and implementation of storage management software.
IBM Managed Storage Services offer scalable, cost-effective storage capacity, manage-
ment and backup/restore services on a usage basis.