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S6 Wait Before Dialing

This register sets the length of time, in seconds, that the modem must wait
(pause) after going off-hook before dialing the first digit of the telephone
number. The modem always pauses for a minimum of two seconds, even if the
value of S6 is less that two seconds. The wait for dial tone call progress feature
(W dial modifier in the dial string) will override the value in register S6. This
operation, however, may be affected by some ATX options according to
country restrictions.

Range (All Countries): 2-65

Range (Japan): 3-65

Default (All Countries): 2

Default (Japan): 3

Units: seconds

S7 Connection Completion Time-Out

This register sets the time, in seconds, that the modem must wait before
hanging up because carrier is not detected. The timer is started when the
modem finishes dialing (originate), or goes off hook (answer). In originate
mode, the timer is reset upon detection of an answer tone if allowed by
country restriction. The timer also specifies the wait for silence time for the @
dial modifier in seconds. S7 is not associated with the W dial modifier.

Range: 1-255

Range (for Japan): 35-59

Default: 50

Units: seconds

S8 Comma Dial Modifier Time

This register sets the time, in seconds, that the modem must pause when it
encounters a comma (,) in the dial command string.

Range: 0-65

Default: 2

Appendix B. Modem function
