Ikelite Canon S5 IS User Manual
Page 3
LLeennss PPoorrtt
The Lens Port is factory sealed, do not remove.
Treat the glass in the lens port as a camera lens. After use, rinse
and gently dry the lens port to avoid water spotting. To clean
use a mild soap solution or lens cleaner.
Do not use alcohol or window cleaner on the Lens Port.
The Lens Port is threaded so that accessory lenses can be
screwed onto the port. The threads are very fine, take care not
to cross thread accessory lenses.
The housing port has a 67mm thread which accepts the optional
#6420 Ikelite W-20 Wide-Angle Lens and other manufacturers
(67mm) screw thread style lenses. These lenses can be screwed
onto the lens port above or below water. These lenses are
designed to have water between the front of the port and the
accessory lens. Make sure no air bubbles are trapped between
the port and the accessory lens. There may be slight vignetting
when these wide angle lenses are installed. Any vignetting that
occurs can be eliminated
by zooming the camera
lens slightly. To properly
light subjects when using
a wide angle lens an
external strobe should
be used. Due to the wide
coverage of the wide
angle lenses, the DS125
Substrobe is recommended
or two DS51 Substrobes.
Wide Angle Lens
Housing shown with
accessory wide angle lens.
Ussiinngg FFllaasshh
Ussiinngg tthhee CCaam
meerraa’’ss BBuuiilltt--iinn FFllaasshh..
If you do not have an external flash the camera’s built-in flash
can be used. See Diffuser instructions.
Diiffffuusseerr &
& D
Deefflleeccttoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Housing shown with
diffuser installed.
Diiffffuusseerr aanndd D
Deefflleeccttoorr ccoonntt..
A diffuser and deflector are
included with the housing. The
diffuser is white transparent
plastic. The deflector is also
white but is not transparent.
To install the diffuser or deflector
spread the port clamp at the
spring end and slide over the lens
port. The white plastic should be
placed in front of the camera flash.
The port clamp should be pushed back
against the front of the housing.
The diffuser should be installed when using the camera’s built
in flash. When shooting with the camera’s built-in flash at
approximately 2 feet (0.6 m) or less, zoom the lens to
maximum telephoto. The lens port on the housing blocks a
portion of the light from the camera’s built-in flash when
shooting close up. If you do not zoom to maximum telephoto,
a shadow may appear in the lower left corner of close-up
(You can test this above water)
The deflector should be installed when using an external strobe
such as the DS51 or DS125 Substrobe and DS Sensor. The
deflector is required when using the camera’s built-in flash to
trigger the EV Controller. The deflector will redirect the
camera’s flash to the DS Sensor or EV Controller which controls
the external strobe.
Port Clamp
Spread to Install
Ussiinngg EExxtteerrnnaall SSttrroobbeess
Ussiinngg TTTTLL FFllaasshh EExxppoossuurree w
EExxtteerrnnaall IIkkeelliittee D
DSS SSuubbssttrroobbeess ((RReeccoom
This housing has Conversion Circuitry built into the housing.
When used with current model Ikelite DS Substrobes the
Conversion Circuitry provides Canon eTTL flash exposure. In the
TTL mode the camera controls the light output of the external
strobe(s) to obtain properly exposed images. The Conversion
Circuitry is powered by the Ikelite DS Substrobe when
connected to the housing with the #4103.51 single or #4103.52
dual sync cords with a blue band. See page 13 for DS Substrobe
compatibility with Conversion Circuitry.
Ussiinngg M
Maannuuaall EExxppoossuurree w
wiitthh EExxtteerrnnaall D
DSS SSuubbssttrroobbeess
Any Ikelite DS Substrobe(s) can be used in the manual mode
when connected with the #4103.51 single or #4103.52 dual sync
cord with a blue band. In the manual mode different power
settings on the DS Substrobe can be selected to obtain a
properly exposed image.
Ussiinngg IIkkeelliittee N
DSS SSuubbssttrroobbeess ((SSuubbssttrroobbeess 5500,, 110000AA,,
220000,, 440000)) w
wiitthh tthhiiss hhoouussiinngg..
The Conversion Circuitry is automatically disabled when used
with a Non-DS Substrobe. These Substrobes can be used in their
manual mode utilizing any power settings provided on the
Ussiinngg N
Noonn IIkkeelliittee SSttrroobbeess w
wiitthh tthhiiss H
The Conversion Circuitry is automatically disabled when used
with a Non Ikelite strobe. These strobes can be used in their
manual mode utilizing any power settings provided on the strobe.