iOptron SmartStar -PR EQ User Manual
Page 15

3. Set mount type (Main Menu/Set up Controller/Set Mount Type)
Scroll down and select “Set Mount Type”
-PR is an EQ mount, so select Equatorial mount and push ENTER.
Set up site
Set N/S hemisphere
Set display contrast
Set Eyepiece light
Set Backlash
Set anti-backlash
Set Key Beep
Set Mount Type
Equatorial Mount
Alt/Azi Mount
4. Time, location and GPS
Push BACK twice and go back to the starting screen. Turn off the power. Wait a
few seconds and turn the power back on. You will see “GPS ON” in the upper-
right corner of the screen. After about a minute, when it finds the satellite and
receives GPS signal, you will see “GPS OK”. Local time, longitude and latitude
will then be set automatically. Double check date and time make sure they are
correct. If they are not, then re-do steps 1 through 3. Make sure you see “EQ” in
the lower right corner indicating “Equatorial”. If it shows “A/A” then you need to
reset the mount type in step 3.
5. Tighten all the screws and locks. Double check the bubble and south mark. Now
you are ready to use the SmartStar
6. Align (Main Menu/Align)
The system provides “one-star align”, “two-star align” and “three-star align”
From the main menu, select “Align”. Select “one-star align”. Use “UP” and
“DOWN” arrow buttons to select a star and press ENTER. A list of the align stars
is computed based on your local time and location. Use arrow buttons to move the
telescope and center the star in your eyepiece. You can use SPEED button to
change speed.
Press ENTER when finished. If your setups to now are quite accurate, “one-star
align” should be sufficient. To increase the accuracy you may choose to do two-
star or three-star align.
“Two-Star Align” will increase the accuracy of alignment, but it requires a wider
view of the sky, since the two align stars need to be far apart. Select “Two-star
align” in the Align menu. When you finish the first star, the system will prompt