Intel NuPRO-850 User Manual
Page 39

Device Driver Installation
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LAN Driver Installation
This section describes the LAN driver installation process for the Intel® 82547
Gigabit Ethernet controller under Windows 2000/XP. The Intel® software
utilities package include Diagnostics utility; Makedisk utility; and
10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet device drivers. All drivers and utilities are stored in
the ADLINK CD under the directory: X:\NuPRO\NuPRO-850\LAN, where X: is
the location of the CD-ROM drive. For driver installations of other OS, please
refer to the readme file on the CD.
The installation procedures for Windows 2000/XP are the same. During
Windows 2000/XP installation, the operating system will install a LAN driver
automatically. It is recommended that the most updated LAN driver be
installed, which is shipped with the ADLINK CD. This will ensure total
compatibility. After installing the OS, update to the newer driver by following
these steps:
1. Run the self-extracting pro2kxpm.exe file. The extracted files are stored
to the default location C:\IntelPRO.
To install or update the Ethernet drivers for the system, click ‘Install Now’.
All Ethernet devices on the computer will be updated.
3. Reboot the system for the new drivers to take effect.
To check if there are newer updates of the drive, it is
recommended that the following website be
checked out on a regular basis.