Ikelite SD-750 User Manual
Page 5

PPhhoottoo TTiippss CCoonntt..
5. Since opinions vary on what is the correct exposure you may
want to adjust your camera for what you like exposure wise.
Many cameras allow you to adjust both available light and flash
exposure with an EV control.
6. Many photographers transfer their images to the computer
where they can fine tune the appearance of the image. Many of
the image manipulation programs make you think you can
magically correct any image taken and make a good picture.
One thing to remember when using image manipulation
programs, if the image is overexposed much of the color is
missing. If the color is missing you cannot adjust it. If images
are underexposed some color and detail may be there, it is just
dark and you can adjust it to some degree. So if you error in
exposure it is better to have the image slightly underexposed
than over exposed.
IIkkeelliittee LLiim
miitteedd W
All Ikelite products are warranted against any manufacturing
defects for a period of one year from the date of purchase.
Defective products should be returned prepaid to Ikelite. Ikelite
will, at its discretion, repair or replace such products, and will
return to customer prepaid. All other claims, of any nature,
including but not limited to bulb failure are not covered. Except
as mentioned above, no other warranty expressed or implied,
applies to this Ikelite product.
RReettuurrnniinngg PPrroodduuccttss ffoorr SSeerrvviiccee
Ikelite is most interested in preforming any service to assure that
all products perform as intended. For repair or service, return the
product to the address below with your name, address, phone
number and a brief description of the problem. Evidence of
purchase date must be provided to obtain warranty service.
IIkkeelliittee U
waatteerr SSyysstteem
5500 W
W 3333rrdd SSttrreeeett
IInnddiiaannaappoolliiss,, IIN
N 4466220088 U
maaiill:: iikkeelliittee@
Diiggiittaall 66114477..7755--0011--00440077