3) computer modems – Multi-Link Stick User Manual
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The Stick is compatible with all dial-up modems that use a “single pair”
RJ-11 line cord to connect to a phone line. We suggest connecting the
modem to the port labeled “MODEM” (we bet you’ve already figured that
one out!). Most incoming calls to your modem are from remote (off
location) computer modems. The Stick will route calls to your computer
modem when the calling modem dials the proper SAC after The Stick has
answered the call.
instruct your friends to “time” a call
to your residence. Tell them to count
the seconds between the last digit dialed and the last ring to the phone
before The Stick answers the call (how many rings before The Stick
answers). Divide that amount of seconds by two and you have the needed
number of commas between the phone number and SAC.
It is safe to repeat the SAC twice in the dialing string like so:
1 1 606 555 1234,,*3,,*3 1
To” Of Calling Your Modem-For any person to access your
modem through The Stick, they must know your programmed Security
Access Code for the “MODEM” port. Dialing your telephone number and
SAC is done on the remote computer communications software. It should
look something like this (for a HAYES-compatible modem):
Note that additional commas will need to be inserted between the SACs
at the end of the dialing string. A minimum of 2 seconds between SACs is
needed for The Stick to recognize and register the proper sequence of
digits and symbols.
1606 555 1234,,*3 I
The commas after the phone number are commands telling the modem to
wait two seconds per comma before dialing the SAC * 3. You should
Some modems cannot dial the * and # symbols. You may want to
reprogram a specific code for one time access by an outside caller.
Again, if you have any questions, call our
help you out on timing or SAC