The “how to” of programming, Tones / programming commands – Multi-Link Stick User Manual
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3.1 Summary of the types of tones you will hear.
allowed to program this feature value as “0” (off) or " 1” (on). If you
“PROCEED’‘-Three high-pitch tones in rapid succession tell you The
Stick is ready to program a register or receive more commands in the
form of touch tones. “Bee-Bee-Beep”
“OK”- (or “Okay” for you purists)-One high-pitch tone immediately
followed by a mid-pitch tone means that the numbers that you have
entered are acceptable and within range for the Register Number and
feature value. "Bee-Bip"
enter the number “2” after the correct Register Number, The Stick will
give you an “ERROR” tone.
Save To Memory/Exit-After programming all feature values you wish to
manipulate, you will need to save the program to memory and exit the
programming mode. This can be done by dialing “80”. At that time you
will hear the “OK” tone twice. The LED will go back to normal
operation. Even if there is a power loss to The Stick, all programming is
“ERROR’‘- A single low-pitch tone indicates that the Register Number,
feature value or program commands (we talk about those next) you have
entered are invalid. Common errors committed when programming could be:
for a feature, let’s say it’s “Protected
Hook Flash”, and you enter only part of the number. The Register
Number for “Protected Hook Flash” is “02”. If you enter " 2 " The Stick
will give you an “ERROR” tone.
Entering a feature value that is outside of the program range. As an
example, we will use “Protected Hook Flash” again. You are only
No Save/Exit-If you wish to “dump” any programming you’ve done and
exit the programming mode, dial " 9 0 " At that time you will only hear
the “OK” tone once. The LED will go back to normal operation.
Set Registers To Factory Preset-This command sets all program
registers to the factory presets (refer to the Programming and Quick
Reference Guide). When you dial "60" all registers automatically revert