MartinLogan CLX User Manual
Page 28

L a w r e n c e , K a n s a s , U S A t e l . . 0 1 3 3 f a x . . 3 2 0 w w w . m a r t i n l o g a n . c o m i n f o @ m a r t i n l o g a n . c o m
©200 MartinLogan. All rights reserved.
Rev. #0120
WARNING! Do not use your CLX loudspeakers outside of the country of original sale—voltage requirements vary
by country. Improper voltage can cause damage that will be potentially expensive to repair. The CLX is shipped to
authorized MartinLogan distributors with the correct power supply for use in the country of intended sale. A list of
authorized distributors can be accessed at or by emailing [email protected].