Requently, Sked, Uestions – MartinLogan CLX User Manual

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Frequently Asked Questions 21







How .do .I .clean .my .speakers?

Use a dust free cloth or a soft brush to remove the dust

from your speakers. We also recommend a specialty

cloth (available at the Xtatic shop at www.martinlogan.

com) that cleans your speakers better than anything

else we have tried. For the wood surfaces it is accept-

able to slightly dampen the cloth. The EcoSound

material on the CLX requires special care—see the

next FAQ. Do .not .spray .any .kind .of .cleaning .agent .

on .or .in .close .proximity .to .the .electrostatic .element . .

Avoid .the .use .of .ammonia .based .products .or .sili-

cone .oil .on .any .wood .parts .

How .do .I .care .for .the .EcoSound .material?

Your CLX loudspeaker was packaged for shipment in a

protective fabric bag. The bag is made of a soft material

which may absorb some of the natural oil used to finish

the EcoSound. After removing the fabric bag you may

notice that the EcoSound surface appears un-even or

blotchy in some places. This is very simple to correct.

Using a soft, lint-free cloth, you simply hand rub furni-

ture grade finishing oil onto the EcoSound surface. We

recommend natural orange or lemon fine furniture oil

for best results. This easily repeatable process will always

return your EcoSound to its original uniform luster.

We encourage you to occasionally reapply finishing oil

to maintain the EcoSound’s rich dark color and keep

your CLX loudspeakers looking their very best.

What .is .the .advantage .of .ESL? .

Since the diaphragm is uniformly driven over its entire

surface—unlike a tweeter that is only driven at its

edges—it is the only technology that can be made

large enough to play bass, yet is still light enough for

high frequencies. This unique property allows for the

elimination of high frequency crossover points and

their associated distortions.

What .size .amplifier .should .I .use? .

We recommend an amplifier with 100 to 200 watts

per channel for most applications. Probably less would

be adequate when used in home theater where a

subwoofer is employed. Our designs will perform well

with either a tube or transistorized amplifier, and will

reveal the sonic character of either type. However, it

is important that the amplifier be stable operating into

varying impedance loads: an ideally stable amplifier will

typically be able to deliver nearly twice its rated wattage

into 4 Ohms and should again increase into 2 Ohms.

Could .you .suggest .a .list .of .suitable .electronics .and .

cables .that .would .be .ideal .for .MartinLogan .speakers? .

The area of electronics and cable choice is probably

the most common type of question that we receive. It

is also the most subjective. We have repeatedly found

that brands that work well in one setup will drive

someone else nuts in another. We use many brands

with great success. Again, we have no favorites; we

use electronics and cables quite interchangeably. We

would suggest listening to a number of brands—and

above all else— trust your ears. Dealers are always the

best source for information when purchasing additional

audio equipment.

Is .there .likely .to .be .any .interaction .between .my .speak-

ers .and .the .television .in .my .Audio/Video .system? .

Actually, there is less interaction between a television

and an electrostatic speaker than between a television

and a conventional system.

Will .my .electric .bill .go .‘sky .high’ .by .leaving .my .speak-

ers .plugged .in .all .the .time? .

No. A pair of MartinLogan’s will draw approximately 1

watt maximum (in standby mode). There is circuitry to

turn off the static charge when not in use, to prevent dust

collection on the electrostatic element.

If .the .diaphragm .is .punctured .with .a .pencil .or .similar .

item, .how .extensive .would .the .damage .to .the .speaker .be? .

Our research department has literally punctured hundreds

of holes in a diaphragm, neither affecting the quality of

the sound nor causing the diaphragm to rip. However,

you will be able to see the actual puncture and it can

be a physical nuisance. If this is the case, replacing the

electrostatic transducer will be the only solution.

Will .exposure .to .sunlight .affect .the .life .or .performance .

of .my .speakers? .

We recommend that you not place any loudspeaker

in direct sunlight. The ultraviolet (UV) rays from the