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Magellan eXplorist Dashboard

Magellan eXplorist 310 User Manual


Dashboard Screen

The Dashboard Screen displays a small compass and

up to eight customizable data fields. The data fields

displayed are customizable (see Customizing the

Data Fields).

Data Only Screen

The Data Only Screen displays the most number of

data fields available to be viewed at one time in the

receiver. Up to 12 customizable data fields can be

viewed at one time. The data fields displayed are

customizable (see Customizing the Data Fields).

Satellite Status Screen

The Satellite Status screen displays a graphical

representation of the satellites overhead in relation

to you current location (the center of the circle) The

color of the satellite graphics, as well as the bar

graph, indicate the signal strength of the signals

being received. The numbers indicate the assigned

satellite designation. The data fields at the bottom of

the display are customizable (see Customizing the

Data Fields).

Altimeter Screen

The Altimeter Screen displays detailed elevation

information using the GPS signal. The area on the

graph can be expanded by Selecting the icon in the

lower right corner and defining the area to be used.

Also a line can be moved along the graph to pinpoint

an exact point on the graph and display detailed

information on that point.