6xcarét pro expansion bay cdrw drive – MCE Technologies Xcart Pro User Manual

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Xcarét Pro Expansion Bay CDRW Drive

Booting from the Xcarét Pro CDRW Drive

In order to boot the PowerBook from the Xcarét Pro CDRW drive,

1) insert a bootable CD into the drive while your PowerBook is on

and wait for the CD to mount onto the Desktop

2) open the Startup Disk control panel (usually located under the

Apple menu),

3) select the bootable CD as the Startup Disk,
4) close the Startup Disk control panel,
5) select Restart from the Special menu in the Desktop, and
6) press the "C" key until your computer begins booting from the CD.

If you instead select Shut Down from the Special menu in the Finder
after selecting the bootable CD as the Startup Disk, you must still press
the "C" key down when starting up in order to boot the PowerBook from
the bootable CD in the drive.

Having booted from a CD in the Xcarét Pro CDRW drive, you will not
be able remove the CD from the drive or replace the drive with another
device. One must first select and boot from another bootable volume. In
order to remove the Xcarét Pro CDRW drive, select another non-Xcarét
Pro CDRW volume to be the startup disk from the Startup Disk control
panel. Restart the PowerBook, booting from the newly selected volume.
One can then replace the CD disc or exchange the Xcarét Pro CDRW
drive with another expansion bay device.

Making a bootable CD with Toast Software

Toast 4 software allows the creation of a bootable CD by simply drag-
ging and dropping the current System folder onto the Toast window.

1) Within Toast, set Format to Files and Folders
2) Click on the Data... button to open the Data panel
3) Drag your System folder onto the open Data panel and click the

Done button

4) Click on Write CD

Note: It’s a good idea to run with minimal extensions while creating a
bootable CD since many extensions need to be able to write to the startup
volume, which is not possible with a CD.