Playing a disc, From a particular track, Restarting the current track – Meridian America 588 User Manual

Page 15: Starting play from a particular track

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Using the compact disc player


Playing a disc

The compact disc player allows you to play an entire disc, or

start playing from any track. While a disc is playing you can go

back to the start of the track or skip to the start of the next track.

If you have programmed a selection, these functions also work

with the selection of tracks you have programmed. For

information about programming; see Programming a selection,

page 13.

To play the disc


> (front panel or remote).

The display will show your


Play 1

The display will then show

the track being played:


To restart the current track


[ (front panel or remote).

To move to the next track


> (front panel or remote).

To play starting from a particular track


] or [ (front panel or remote) to step through the

track numbers until the track you want to play is displayed, or

type the number of the track (remote only).

For example:

Track 4

After a short delay the track you have selected will start to play.

If you have other Meridian sources you should ensure that the

588 is the currently selected source.