Meridian America 808 User Manual
Signature reference compact disc player

Latham Road, Huntingdon PE29 6YE, United Kingdom • T +44 (0)1480 445678 F +44 (0)1480 445686 •
Meridian America Inc 8055 Troon Circle Suite C, Austell, Atlanta GA 30168-7849, USA • T +1 404 344 7111 F +1 404 346 7111
There is nothing quite like sinking into
your favourite chair in your listening room,
pressing ‘play’ on the remote control, and
listening, as the air becomes fi lled with a
faithful rendering of your favourite recording.
This is true whatever the format, but the fact
is that there is still one medium that is today
as popular as ever: the Compact Disc.
A well-recorded, well-mastered Compact
Disc is capable of extraordinarily high quality
results. But to realise the full potential of this
medium, one that today we perhaps take
for granted, you need the highest level of
reproduction: a truly extraordinary high-
fi delity system, unmatched in sound quality.
A Meridian system.
Meridian: CD Innovator
Of all manufacturers, Meridian has the
longest history of high-performance CD
players. Meridian’s fi rst CD player, MCD,
was introduced exactly 20 years ago. MCD
sounded radically better than anything else
available, and still stands comparison with
many so-called audiophile designs of today.
In the intervening 20 years, Meridian has
relentlessly pursued the path of making
better and better CD players, introducing
more than 24 models – each one better than
the one before. Every model has received
critical acclaim, and we have gathered more
Highest quality CD player ever
offered by Meridian
808 Player-only version
808i Player/Preamplifi er version
includes built-in stereo preamp
functionality: six stereo
analogue inputs, three coax
and two optical digital inputs
Main and auxiliary S/PDIF
coaxial digital outputs for
connection to Meridian DSP
Loudspeakers or digital
Balanced and unbalanced
analogue outputs, fi xed or vari-
able for connection to preamp
or power amp
Special Limited Edition
with extended 5-year warranty
Signature Reference Compact Disc Player
Meridian is the acknowledged leader
in high-performance Compact Disc
playback, and has held that pre-eminent
position since the release of the world’s
fi rst audiophile CD player, the MCD,
in 1984. Over the last two decades,
Meridian has introduced no less than
two dozen CD player models, each one
better than the last; each one redefi ning
the state of the Compact Disc art.
This steady process of improving CD per-
formance has been recognized by more
than 50 awards and has made Meridian
absolutely synonymous with the very
best in Compact Disc.
Meridian’s 508 alone received more than
20 awards, including a Class ‘A’ rating
from Stereophile, who, when faced with
the superb performance of 800, had to
add the Class A+ rating!
Now, Meridian introduces the 808: a
new member of the 800 Reference Series
and one specifi cally developed to render
the ultimate performance possible today
from the CD medium.