1 introduction – Multi-Tech Systems FR111 User Manual
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The Multi-Tech Systems MultiFRAD™ 100-Series, Model number FR111, is a
one-port Frame Relay Access Device (FRAD) with 56K DSU that
encapsulates non-packetized data from a serial device into frame relay
frames and is responsible for framing that data with header and trailer
information prior to transmission to a frame relay network. The Multi-
FRAD allows a non-frame relay device to connect to a common carrier
frame relay network service or private frame relay network. The access
device is designed with an internal 56K Data Service Unit (DSU) that
allows a single frame relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to be
connected to a 56K DDS circuit. On the receiving end of the communi-
cation link, the MultiFRAD serves to strip away the frame relay control
information in order that the target device is presented with the data
packaged in its original form.
The versatility of the MultiFRAD provides for a smooth integration with
existing equipment; e.g., multiplexers, routers, legacy equipment such
as cluster controllers, and asynchronous devices such as PCs running
remote control software. The non-frame relay device connects to the
data port on the back of the MultiFRAD and is capable of synchronous
data transmission up to 56K bps or asynchronous data transmission up
to 57.6K bps. The network connection is provided by the trunk port
which directly connects to the frame relay network.
Figure 1-1. MultiFRAD 100-Series