M-AUDIO 25 User Manual

Page 5

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Session KeyStudio 25

▸ Quick Start Guide

8. The Session window will now appear. You may click the specific instrument you

would like to play from the instrument list appearing on the left side of the screen.

9. Try playing notes on your KeyStudio 25 keyboard. If you can hear instrument sounds,

you may skip steps 10-12. If your computer does not yet generate sounds when
KeyStudio 25 is played, proceed to step 10 for additional configuration instructions.

10. Go to Options > Audio Hardware and make sure the sound card you wish you use

(i.e., your computer’s built-in sound card or an installed ASIO compatible audio
interface) is selected in the Output Device and Input Device pull-down menus.
Click OK. See the following section in this Quick Start Guide (”More Information on
Configuring Session”) for further explanation of this.

11. Go to Options > MIDI Hardware and make sure “USB Audio Device,” “USB O2,” or “USB

O2 In” is selected in the Input Port box. KeyStudio will appear as “USB Audio Device”
in Windows XP and “USB O2” in Windows Vista if additional drivers have not been
installed. If the optional drivers are installed, KeyStudio will appear as “USB O2 In.”
Click OK.

12. You should now be able to use your KeyStudio keyboard to play instruments from

the Session instrument library.

Figure A: Session MIDI Hardware dialog
window without optional drivers installed
in Windows XP.

Figure B: Session MIDI Hardware dialog
window without optional drivers installed in
Windows Vista.