Meyer 8720 User Manual
Manufactured by, Industrial series twin expeller super spreader
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- In tro duc tion 4
- Safety Pre cau tions 5
- Safety First 6
- Pre-Operation 8
- Op er a tion 12
- Pto driveline 15
- Ad just ments 17
- Lu bri ca tion 20
- Re pair Parts 22
- 918-0308 (Stan dard 8720) (Op tional 8865) (Se rial #SI078720288-SI088720425) (For Ear lier Models See Page 24.) 22
- 918-0408 (Stan dard 8720) (Op tional 8865) (Se rial #SI088720426 & Later) 22
- PTO Drive Shaft-Star Pro file 22
- 1000 RPM 1-3/8 21 Spline WWE2480 (80 De gree C.V.) 22
- Pto Drive Shaft As sem bly 24
- First Re duc tion & Spin ner Drive 30
- Sec ond Re duc tion Drive 32
- Third Re duc tion Drive 34
- Fi nal Re duc tion, Rh Au ger Drive 36
- Fi nal Re duc tion, Lh Au ger & Third Au ger Drive 38
- Body, Shields & Au gers - 8720 Spreader 40
- Body, Shields & Au gers - 8865 sPREADER 42
- Rear Gate & Shields 44
- Spin ners & Gear boxes 46
- Spin ner Gear Re ducer - Left Hand (1:1) #19-0129 48
- Spin ner Gear Re ducer - Cen ter (1:1) #19-0130 49
- Cor ner Gear Re ducer - Right Hand 50
- Axle & Wheels (STAN DARD 8720) 51
- Axle & Wheels, Hi-Float Pack age 52
- (Stan dard 8865) (oP TIONAL 8720) 52
- Lights 53
- In struc tions For Au to matic Chain Oiler 55
- Oil-Kit 56
- fiTrou ble Shoot ingfl 58
- fiMain te nance Re cordfl 59
- Meyer Equip ment Wheel Torque 60
- Di men sions & Spec i fi ca tions 61
- Di men sions & Spec i fi ca tions 62