Milwaukee 7110-20 User Manual
Page 3

BULLETIN NO. 54-43-0020 Feb. 2007
7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18
Remove valve assembly (10-17) from top cap (7) by removing hex bolt (18) in a counter clockwise direction.
Note: Assembly is spring loaded. Hold assembly in place while removing hex bolt (18).
23, 24, 51, 19, 20
Remove driver assembly (23) and cylinder assembly (24) from tool body (51) by turning the tool body (51) upside down
and tapping the outside rim of the tool casting against a piece of wood.
Note: Remove press ring(s) (19 and 20) prior to removing cylinder assembly.
51, 74, 86, 87, 99, 100,
Remove magazine (74) from tool body (51) by removing bolts, washers (87 101, 99, 86), and nut (100) using a 5 mm hex
key and 10 mm wrench.
103, 74, 79, 89, 90
Remove magazine pusher assembly (103) and spring ( 79) from magazine (74) by pushing assembly back far enough to
clear lock nut (90); secure nut using a 7 mm socket, and remove hex bolt (89) from pusher spring (79) using a 2.5 mm
hex key.
42 43 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
50 51,102,
Remove trigger valve assembly (102) from tool body (51) by placing a 3/32 in. (2.5mm) punch inside half-moon slot of
retainer (47) and gently tapping shaft of selector (45). Remove spring (46), retainer (47) and ring (50). Remove trigger (49)
and spring (48) from tool body. Push pins (42, 43) out of tool body (51) just far enough to remove valve assembly.
Note: Use service fi xture #61-60-0005 to move spring pins (42, 43) or a 1/8” punch.
Remove end cap (54) from tool body (51) counterclockwise.
Note: Apply a thin coat of grease to all o-rings, exterior of cylinder seals, and trigger valve assembly before replacement or reinstallation.
24, 25 26, 27, 28, 29
Install o-ring (25) onto cylinder (24) and place remaining parts (26, 27, 28, and 29) onto cylinder (24).
Note: Install cylinder ring (28) onto cylinder (24) with the ribbed edge up. Set aside
21, 22, 23, 51
Install o-ring (22) and piston ring (21) onto driver assembly (23) and place assembly inside cylinder (24). Install assembly
into tool body (51)
Note: Be sure driver shaft is inserted in the proper orientation.
19, 20, 24
Cupped side of steel press ring (19) to face cupped side of nylon press ring (20) in assembly.
7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18,
Reinstall valve assembly components (10-17) into internal bore of top cap (7) and secure assembly with hex bolt (18).
Tighten screw clockwise.
Note: Valve assembly is spring-loaded and must be held in place when reinstalling screw (18).
7, 30, 51
Align four raised bosses on bumper band (30) with slots on top cap (7) prior to assembling cap onto tool body (51).
42 43 51,102
Reinstall trigger valve assembly (102) into tool body (51) by making sure the grooves in the valve assembly match up with
the two holes for spring pins (42,and 43). Tap pins into tool body until they are fl ush with casting.
45, 47, 50
Reinstall retainer assembly (47and 50) onto shaft of selector (45) by aligning half-moon cut-out on retainer with half-moon
of selector shaft and snap it onto end of selector shaft (45).
When reinstall defl ector-retaining screw (1), apply Blue Loctite
242 to threads of screw.
103, 74, 79, 89, 90
Reinstall pusher assembly (103) into track of magazine (74). Make sure bend of spring (79) slides over top magazine
connection point, and push assembly back just far enough to install bolt (89) through top of magazine track and hole in
spring (79). Install nut (90) onto threads of bolt (89) and secure using a 2.5 mm hex key and 7 mm socket.
62, 74, 87, 101
Reinstall front of magazine assembly (74) to nosepiece (62) and install screw and washer (87,101) using a 5 mm hex
51, 74, 86, 99, 100
Reinstall back of magazine (74) to tool body (51), and install screw (99), washer ( 86) and nut (100) using a 5 mm hex key
and 10 mm wrench.