Appendix c: demo application, Ppendix, Pplication – Metrologic Instruments IS4910 Series User Manual
Page 40

The demo application CamTest is simple and easy to use. Just follow the on-screen instructions.
The Push me button starts/stops or continues image acquisition and real-time displaying. The currently
displayed image can be stored in BMP file (\My Documents\My Pictures\vuq.bmp) by pressing the Save
The application main window is implemented as a modal dialog window. Therefore, there is no window
message loop in the WinMain() function.
Note that the pre-built Demo application executable program supplied with the SDK was linked statically
with the barcode decoding library SwiftDecoder from Omniplanar. In the source code of the Demo
Application, however, this decoding capability is disabled by default. In order to include SwiftDecoder in
the Demo application, follow this procedure:
1. Obtain the barcode decoding library SwiftDecoder from Omniplanar.
2. Add the path to the SwiftDecoder master include file SD.H to the list of directories searched for
include files in the project settings.
3. Add the library of the SwiftDecoder API functions SD2.LIB to the list of modules passed to the
linker. Add the path to this library to the list of directories searched for libraries in the project
4. Define the macro SWIFT_DECODER in the project settings or in the very beginning of the source
file decode.c.
5. If the obtained SwiftDecoder library is not protected from unauthorized copying by means of
security keys, you are all set to enable the decoding capability. Go to the final step 10. Otherwise,
if the SwiftDecoder library is protected by security keys, go to the next step.
6. Obtain the SwiftDecoder signature key and the SwiftDecoder verification key from Omniplanar.
7. Add the library of the SwiftDecoder security functions SD2IMG.LIB to the list of modules passed
to the linker. Add the path to this library to the list of directories searched for libraries in the
project settings.
8. Define the macro SD_SIGNATURE_KEY with the value of the SwiftDecoder signature key in the
project settings or in the very beginning of the source file decode.c.
9. Define the macro SD_VERIFICATION_KEY with the value of the SwiftDecoder verification key in
the project settings or in the very beginning of the source file decode.c.
10. Rebuild the demo application