Appendix a: driver registration application, Ppendix, River – Metrologic Instruments IS4910 Series User Manual

Page 36: Egistration, Pplication

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The driver registration application allows to install or to uninstall the IS4900 device driver into the
operating system running on the target device. It is a simple console application.

The installed device name is constructed from the VUQ prefix appended the index number.
On success the application exits with zero value, otherwise the exit code is the system error value.

To install the driver use the following syntax:

vuqreg [install] [silent] [nomsg] [ini-file]


install – is optional and can be omitted;

silent – if specified, suppresses output of some installation information in the console window;

nomsg – if specified, suppresses the message box with final status of installation;

ini-file – is name of the initialization (.ini) file that contains the driver configuration settings.

If the ini-file parameter does not contain full path then the ini-file is searched in the directory
from which the application is invoked. The absence of the ini-file parameter assumes the
“VuQuest2D.ini” file in the directory from which the application is invoked.

If the driver is installed already the application uninstalls it at first and then installs it again.

To uninstall the driver use the following syntax:

vuqreg uninstall [silent] [nomsg] [ini-file]

If the ini-file parameter is absent then the application uninstalls all the VUQ prefixed devices installed in
the system. Otherwise, the application uninstalls only the VUQ device with index specified in the ini-file.